Thursday, June 27, 2024

150 Ideas for Your Sunday Self Care Routine

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150 Self Care Ideas for Sundays

Hi there, you precious beings! Here is the ULTIMATE guide for reinventing Sunday: "150 Sunday Self-Care Ideas." The reason why we keep the list profoundly female is because all too often women feel like they need to put themselves last, by doing everything for others and nothing for themselves. Yet taking care of oneself is clearly not a luxury or a frivolous exercise in self-indulgence. Caring for oneself is a prerequisite for thriving in today’s overworked world.

Pinterest Pin that represents the article, "150 Sunday Self Care Ideas"

The Importance of "Self-Care Sunday"

"Self-Care Sunday" continues to trend for a reason: Self-care is vital for a person's well-being. According to an article by Advanced Dermatology, research studies have contributed to the understanding of the benefits of self-care.

The Benefits of Self-Care

 - Relaxation: 79% of participants agreed that self-care helped them relax. A day of respite can help our mind and body recover from the stresses of the week.

 71% of participants reported a MOOD LIFT: Reading a book, taking a walk or digging into a hobby can lift our moods and create a sense of wellbeing.

 66% of the participants reported REDUCED STRESS:  Self-care practices also ease daily pressures, helping to manage future demands and obligations too. 

 61% Lower Anxiousness: When we take the time to focus on our needs and on ourselves, our minds quieten down. This reduces anxiousness.

 57% reported increased HAPPINESS:  Another key benefit is the increased sense of fulfillment. In our daily lives, engaging in positive activities for ourselves—whether small actions like updating our wardrobe or more significant undertakings—can be incredibly rewarding. These actions boost our energy and give us a greater sense of control and agency in the world, enhancing our overall well-being.

Why Self-Care Matters

These stats show that one day makes a difference. When we give ourselves a day to chill and take care of ourselves, we're giving our mental, emotional and physical health a boost through relaxation, positive or uplifting emotions, reduction of stress, lowering anxiety and increasing happiness. This affects the quality of life and increases the productivity in our relationships. Therefore, set up "Self-Care Sunday" as part of your self-cultivation schedule.

Morning Routine

1. Wake Up Early 

Enjoy the peaceful morning hours and start your day fresh.

2. Make Your Bed

Start your day with a tidy space, setting a positive tone.

3. Stretch Your Body  

Loosen up tight muscles and increase flexibility. For example, do a simple yoga routine.

4. Meditate for 10 Minutes  

Calm your mind and reduce stress. For example, use a guided meditation app. like the "InnaPeace Meditation" program.

5. Write Down Your Dreams

Reflect on your subconscious thoughts for insights. Keep a journal by your bed and jot down your thoughts, your dreams.

6. Enjoy a Cup of Herbal Tea  

Begin your day with a soothing drink to relax. For example, try chamomile or peppermint tea in this heat resistant glass teapot with stainless steel filter.

a woman enjoying an early morning cup of tea

7. Do a Quick Workout  

Energize your body with a burst of activity. Try a 10-minute high intensity interval training (HIIT) session.

8. Take a Long Shower or Bath  

Refresh and rejuvenate yourself with some bath bombs.

9. Listen to Your Favorite Music  

Create a playlist filled with tunes from your favorite artists and allow your energy to be lifted.

10. Plan Your Day  

Organize your tasks and goals for the day. Try using this LED Display Planner Board as another cute option.

11. Practice Deep Breathing Exercises  

Reduce stress and improve your mood.

12. Journal Your Thoughts and Feelings  

Express yourself and clear your mind. Write about your goals and aspirations.

13. Read a Motivational Book or Article  

Get inspired and motivated for the week. Choose a book written by a well-known motivational author.

an image of a journal and pen

14. Enjoy a Healthy Breakfast  

Fuel your body with nutritious food. For instance, make a breakfast smoothie with fruits and vegetables added. 

15. Water Your Plants  

Connect with nature and care for your greens.

Skincare and Grooming

16. Exfoliate Your Skin  

Remove dead skin cells for a fresh complexion. Use a gentle scrub or exfoliating brush. 

17. Apply a Face Mask  

Rejuvenate your skin with a nourishing mask.

18. Moisturize Your Entire Body  

Keep your skin hydrated and smooth with moisturizers and lotions made with natural ingredients.

19. Trim Your Nails  

Maintain neat and tidy nails.

20. Apply Sunscreen 

Protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Use a broad-spectrum SPF 30.

a faceless woman putting on sunscreen

21. Try a New Skincare Product  

Experiment with something different for your skin. Try a new toner or serum.

22. Give Yourself a Facial Massage 

Improve circulation and relax your facial muscles.

23. Use a Hair Mask or Deep Conditioner  

Nourish and repair your hair. Apply a coconut oil mask, for example.

24. Shave or Groom Facial Hair  

Freshen up your look using good quality razors.

25. Clean Your Makeup Brushes 

Keep your brushes clean to prevent skin issues.

an image of 2 dirty makeup brushes

26. Apply a Lip Scrub and Balm  

Exfoliate and moisturize your lips.

27. Use a Jade Roller or Gua Sha Tool  

Enhance your skincare routine with a facial massage.

28. Do a DIY Manicure or Pedicure  

Pamper your hands and feet.

29. Relax with a Warm Towel on Your Face  

Open your pores and relax. Try adding some essential oils to your towel just for a little "extra" to your experience.

an image of a man getting groomed with a barber. He has a towel on his face.

30. Experiment with a New Hairstyle  

Try something new and fun with your hair. 

an image from behind of a woman's hair that has pink color added. You cannot see the woman's face.

Physical Activities

31. Go for a Walk in Nature  

Enjoy the fresh air and beautiful scenery. Visit a local park or a nature trail.

32. Practice Yoga  

Stretch and strengthen your body. At a loss? Follow a yoga video online. There are millions from which to choose.

33.  Go for a Bike Ride

Get some exercise and explore your surroundings.

34. Try a New Workout Routine  

Keep your fitness routine exciting.

35. Dance to Your Favorite Songs  

Have fun and burn some calories.

36. Go Swimming  

Enjoy the water and get a full-body workout.

a closeup image of a basketball on the rim of the hoop

37. Play a Sport 

Stay active and have fun with friends.

38. Do Some Light Stretching  

Improve your flexibility and reduce tension.

39. Go for a Run  

Boost your mood and fitness level.

40. Take a Martial Arts Class  

Learn self-defense and get a great workout.

martial artists in action

41. Go Hiking  

Explore nature and challenge yourself.

42. Play Frisbee or Catch  

Enjoy a fun outdoor activity with friends.

43. Try Rock Climbing  

Test your strength and agility.

44. Take a Dance Class  

Learn new moves and stay fit.

45. Do a Home Workout  

Stay active without leaving the house. Follow a Tabata or HIIT workout video on YouTube.

Mental Wellness

46. Practice Mindfulness  

Stay present and aware in the moment.

47. Write a Gratitude List  

Reflect on what you’re thankful for.

48. Set Weekly Goals  

Plan and prioritize your week.

a vision board full of goals

49. Visualize Your Ideal Week  

Imagine the best version of your upcoming week.

50. Read a Self-Help Book  

Gain insights and improve yourself.

51. Do a Puzzle or Brain Game  

Challenge your mind and have fun.

52. Declutter a Small Area  

Create a cleaner, more organized space.

53. Listen to a Motivational Podcast  

Get inspired and motivated. Find podcasts on self-improvement.

54. Practice Positive Affirmations  

Boost your confidence and positivity. Repeat these affirmations in front of a mirror.

"Happy to be me" affirmation statement

55. Unplug from Technology  

Take a break from screens and digital noise.

56. Reflect on Your Achievements  

Acknowledge and celebrate your successes.

57. Write a Letter to Your Future Self  

Set intentions and reflect on your goals. Describe where you want to be in five years.

58. Create a Vision Board  

Visualize your dreams and aspirations.

59. Practice Forgiveness  

Let go of grudges and find peace. Write a letter of forgiveness (you don't have to send it).

60. Plan a Fun Activity for the Week  

Give yourself something to look forward to.

Creative Activities

61. Draw or Paint  

Express yourself creatively through art.

62. Try a New Recipe  

Experiment in the kitchen and enjoy a delicious meal.

an image of someone's hand throwing salt into a dish that is being prepared.

63. Write a Poem or Story  

Let your imagination flow. Your message could involve a memorable activity or experience.

64. Take Photographs  

Capture beautiful moments and scenes.

65. Play a Musical Instrument  

Enjoy making music and improving your skills.

66. Sing Your Favorite Songs  

Have fun and express yourself through singing. Try a karaoke session at home.

67. Try a DIY Project  

Create something unique with your hands.

68. Make a Scrapbook  

Preserve memories in a creative way.

an image of a person's hands with a drill working on a DIY project

69. Sew or Knit  

Work on a meditative and satisfying craft.

70. Decorate a Part of Your Home  

Refresh your living space with new decor.

71. Work Through a Coloring Book  

Relax, gather your crayons, and enjoy a favorite childhood pasttime. Use adult coloring books with intricate designs.

72. Learn a New Craft  

Pick up a new hobby and get creative. Try pottery making or wood carving.

73. Create a Playlist  

Compile your favorite songs for any mood.

74. Start a Blog or Vlog  

Share your thoughts and experiences.

an image representing vlogging. A camera is in the foreground; a woman is in a blurred background

75. Design Something  

Use your creativity to design art, clothes, or anything you love.

Relaxation Techniques

76. Take a Nap  

Rejuvenate your mind and body with a good nap. Set a  timer for a solid 20-minute power nap.

77. Read a Book  

Immerse yourself in a different world.

78. Watch a Movie  

Relax and enjoy a good film.

79. Do a Digital Detox  

Take a break from screens and reconnect with yourself. Read my previous article about this topic here.

80. Enjoy a Cup of Coffee  

Savor the aroma and taste of your favorite brew.

81. Sit in the Sun  

Soak up some vitamin D and relax.

82. Listen to Relaxing Music  

Calm your mind with soothing sounds.

83. Light Scented Candles  

Create a calming atmosphere with pleasant scents.

a woman enjoys a relaxing bath surrounded by candles and reading a book

84. Take a Warm Bath  

Relax your muscles and unwind.

85. Use Essential Oils  

Enhance your relaxation with aromatherapy.

86. Practice Guided Meditation  

Follow along with a soothing meditation.

87. Enjoy a Hot Drink  

Relax with a cup of tea, coffee, or cocoa.

88. Watch the Sunset  

Enjoy the beauty of nature and unwind.

89. Read Poetry  

Immerse yourself in the beauty of words.

90. Practice Progressive Muscle Relaxation  

Release tension from your body.

an image of a woman getting a back massage at the spa

91. Sit in Silence 

Take a moment to enjoy the quiet.

92. Enjoy a Foot Soak  

Relax and pamper your feet.

93. Listen to an Audiobook  

Enjoy a story without straining your eyes.

an image of a woman relaxing on her bed listening to music, a podcast, or an audiobook

94.Write a Love Letter  

Express your feelings to someone you care about.

95. Create a Cozy Space 

Make a corner of your home comfortable and inviting.

Outdoor Activities

96. Go for a Walk

Enjoy the fresh air and nature.

97. Visit a Park  

Relax and enjoy the greenery.

98. Have a Picnic  

Enjoy a meal outdoors with loved ones.

99. Go Camping

Spend time in nature and disconnect.

100. Garden 

Connect with nature by planting flowers or vegetables.

101. Visit a Farmers Market 

Explore local produce and handmade goods.

102. Go Bird Watching  

Observe and enjoy the beauty of birds.

103. Take a Road Trip  

Explore new places and enjoy the journey.

104. Visit a Beach

Relax by the water and enjoy the sand.

105. Go Fishing  

Relax by the water and enjoy a peaceful activity.

106. Fly a Kite

Enjoy a fun and relaxing outdoor activity.

107. Play with Pets  

Spend quality time with your furry friends.

108. Visit a Botanical Garden  

Enjoy the beauty of plants and flowers.

109.  Go Stargazing 

Admire the night sky and stars.

110.  Ride a Horse  

Enjoy a unique and relaxing activity.

Social Activities

111. Call a Friend  

Catch up with someone you care about.

112. Have a Family Dinner  

Enjoy a meal with your loved ones.

113. Plan a Game Night

Have fun with friends. Play board games or card games.

114.  Host a Potluck

Share meals and enjoy company.

an image of a potluck dinner

115.  Join a Club

Meet new people with similar interests.

116.  Volunteer

Give back to the community and feel good.

117.  Attend a Workshop

Learn something new and meet new people.

118.  Go to a Museum

Explore art and history.

119.  Visit a Library

Find new books and enjoy a quiet space.

120.  Go to a Coffee Shop

Relax and enjoy the ambiance. 

Mindful Practices

121.  Practice Gratitude

Reflect on what you’re thankful for.

122.  Do a Digital Detox

Take a break from screens and technology.

an image of an old-fashioned typewriter. A piece of paper hangs out of it that says, "DIGITAL DETOX."

123.  Practice Mindful Eating

Enjoy and savor each bite of your meals.

124.  Reflect on Your Week

Think about what went well and what you can improve.

125.  Set Intentions for the Week

Plan your goals and focus for the upcoming week.

126.  Do a Breathing Exercise

Calm your mind and body with focused breathing.

127.  Take a Mindful Walk

Pay attention to your surroundings and be present.

a woman takes a solo walk down the beach shoreline

128.  Practice Self-Compassion

Be kind to yourself and forgive your mistakes.

129.  Reflect on Your Accomplishments

Celebrate your achievements and progress.

130.  Set Boundaries

Decide what you need to feel balanced and stick to it.

Fun and Entertainment

131.  Watch a Comedy Show

Laugh and enjoy a good time.

132.  Play a Board Game

Have fun and challenge your mind.

133.  Watch a Sports Game

Enjoy the excitement of a live game.

134.  Go to a Concert

Enjoy live music and have a great time.

fans attended a rock concert in this image

135.  Attend a Play or Musical

Immerse yourself in the performing arts.

136.  Watch a Documentary

Learn something new and interesting.

137.  Play a Video Game

Have fun and relax with your favorite game.

138.  Do a Puzzle

Challenge your mind and have fun.

139.  Visit an Amusement Park

Enjoy rides and attractions.

an image of a ferris wheel lit up at night

140.  Watch a Nature Show

Relax and learn about the natural world.

Home Activities

141.  Bake Cookies

Enjoy the process and the delicious results.

142.  Organize Your Closet

Declutter and create a tidy space.

an image of a well-organized closet

143.  Redecorate a Room

Give your space a fresh new look.

144.  Cook a Special Dinner

Treat yourself to a nice meal.

145.  Clean a Small Area

Create a cleaner, more organized space.

146.  Do Laundry

Feel accomplished and enjoy fresh clothes.

147.  Rearrange Furniture

Give your space a new feel.

148.  Clean Your Car

Enjoy a tidy and fresh-smelling car.

149.  Make Homemade Gifts

Get creative and make something special.

150.  Relax in a Hammock

Enjoy the soothing motion and fresh air.

legs relaxing on a hammock


Make your Sundays all about you! This could possibly be your one and only day of the week to truly focus on yourself and "rejuice" for the new work week.

Integrating these self-care activities into your routine can enhance your life, underscoring that taking care of yourself is essential--not optional, not selfish. Consider which of these ideas appeal to you and try them out next Sunday to see how they elevate your day. 

See you in the next post!

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Thursday, June 20, 2024

7 Glow Up Hacks For Those Who Don't Have Time

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an image of a woman scrolling through her phone alone after a breakup


150 Ideas for Your Sunday Self Care Routine

Affiliate Disclaimer : This post contains affiliate links, meaning we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you if you make a purc...