Important Reminders When a Narcissist
Tries to Reconnect

a cartoon image representing narcissism.

Let's talk about something that might hit close to home for many of us – dealing with narcissists. Maybe you've finally broken free from a toxic relationship or friendship, only to find that person trying to worm their way back into your life. It's confusing, right? Well, don't worry. We've got your back. In this post, we'll break down what narcissism really is, how to spot it, and most importantly, what to do when a narcissist tries to reconnect with you. So grab your favorite drink, get comfy, and let's dive in!

What is a Narcissist?

No, it's not just someone who takes too many selfies (though that might be a red flag!). A narcissist is someone with a personality disorder called Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). These folks have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for attention and admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. 

Think of it like this: imagine a friend who always makes everything about them, never really listens to you, and somehow turns every conversation into a showcase of how amazing they are. Sound familiar? That might be narcissism in action.

a cartoon image of a woman using a magnifying glass with a man in the magnifying glass. This symbolizes the blog post section, "How to Identify a Narcissist."

Characteristics of a Narcissist: How to Identify One

Now, let's break down some key traits to help you spot a narcissist:

1. Self-importance: They think they're the best thing since sliced bread and expect everyone to agree.
2. Constant need for admiration: It's like they're always fishing for compliments.
3. Lack of empathy: They struggle to understand or care about your feelings.
4. Entitlement: They expect special treatment all the time.
5. Exploitation: They often use others to get what they want.
6. Envy: They're either jealous of others or think everyone's jealous of them.
7. Arrogance: They come across as boastful and pretentious.

Remember, everyone might show some of these traits sometimes. But with narcissists, it's a constant pattern that causes problems in their relationships and life.

a cartoon image of a man (narcissist) losing control

Narcissists and Relationships: A Toxic Mix

When it comes to relationships, narcissists are like emotional vampires. They might seem charming at first, but over time, they drain you dry. Here's what you might experience in a relationship with a narcissist:

1. Love bombing: At the start, they shower you with attention and affection. It feels amazing, right? But it's often too good to be true.

2. Control: They slowly start to dominate your life, from what you wear to who you hang out with.

3. Gaslighting: They mess with your reality, making you doubt your own memories and perceptions.

4. Emotional rollercoaster: One day they're loving, the next they're cold and distant. It's exhausting!

5. Blame game: Nothing is ever their fault. It's always you or someone else to blame.

6. Lack of support: When you need them most, they're often nowhere to be found emotionally.

Many people find themselves trapped in these toxic cycles, whether in romantic relationships or friendships. But here's the good news: recognizing these patterns is the first step to breaking free.

a cartoon image symbolizing reconnection--2 people are reconnecting in this image

How to Know a Narcissist is Trying to Reconnect

So, you've managed to break away from a narcissist. Congrats! That takes serious strength. But now they're trying to worm their way back in. Here are some signs to watch out for:

1. Sudden reappearance: They pop up out of nowhere, acting like nothing happened.

2. Love bombing 2.0: They start showering you with compliments, gifts, and affection again.

3. Guilt trips: They might try to make you feel bad for cutting them off.

4. Fake apologies: They say sorry, but it feels hollow and doesn't come with real change.

5. Playing the victim: They might claim they've changed or that they're struggling without you.

6. Triangulation: They might use mutual friends or family to get to you.

7. Hoovering: Named after the vacuum cleaner, this is when they try to "suck" you back in with promises of change or by reminding you of good times.

Remember, these tactics are often just that –TACTICS. They're not genuine attempts at reconciliation, but rather manipulative moves to regain control.

What to Do When a Narcissist Tries to Reconnect

Now for the crucial part – what should you do if a narcissist tries to reconnect? Here's some research-backed advice:

1. Maintain no contact: This is the most effective strategy. Block them on social media, phone, and email if necessary.

2. Remind yourself of the past: When you feel tempted to respond, recall the reasons why you left.

3. Seek support: Lean on friends, family, or a therapist. You don't have to face this alone.

4. Set firm boundaries: If you must interact (e.g., co-parenting), keep communication minimal and stick to facts.

5. Practice self-care: Focus on healing and building your self-esteem.

6. Be prepared for escalation: Narcissists often amp up their efforts when ignored. Stay strong.

7. Trust your gut: If something feels off, it probably is.

A Millennial's Journey to Freedom

Jackie stared at her phone, her thumb hovering over the 'block' button. Alex's name glared back at her, a reminder of ten years of friendship that had slowly morphed into a waking nightmare. At 29, Jackie should have been riding the wave of her blossoming career as a software engineer in bustling Houston, TX. Instead, she felt like she was drowning, pulled under by the riptide of Alex's constant drama and manipulation.

It hadn't always been this way. Back in college, Alex had been the life of the party, the friend who pushed Jackie out of her comfort zone and into adventures. But somewhere along the line, those adventures turned into exhausting emotional rollercoasters. Jackie found herself canceling plans with other friends to deal with Alex's latest crisis, staying up late to offer support that was never reciprocated, and slowly losing her sense of self in the process.

The breaking point came on a rainy Tuesday evening. Jackie had just landed a major project at work, a chance to prove herself to the higher-ups. Excited, she called Alex to share the news. But instead of congratulations, she was met with a bitter tirade about how Jackie's success was making Alex feel like a failure. The conversation devolved into Alex accusing Jackie of being a terrible friend, of never being there when it mattered.

As the call ended, Jackie sat in her dimly lit apartment, the sound of raindrops against the window mirroring the tears on her cheeks. But amidst the pain, a spark of anger ignited. This wasn't friendship. This was abuse.

With shaking hands, Jackie finally pressed "block."  Then she opened her laptop and booked her first therapy session.

The next few months were a journey of rediscovery. Jackie joined a local tech meetup, rekindling her passion for coding outside of work. She started putting herself first by doing things that she wanted to do for a change. In therapy, she unraveled the tangled web of her relationship with Alex, learning to set boundaries and recognize her own worth.

Six months into her Alex-free life, Jackie's phone lit up with a familiar name. Alex had created a new account to bypass the block. The message was a masterclass in manipulation - tearful apologies, promises of change, reminiscing about good times. For a moment, Jackie felt the pull of nostalgia. They had been through so much together.

But as she read the message again, Jackie recognized the hollow ring of Alex's words. The old Jackie might have given in, might have believed that this time would be different. The new Jackie, however, took a deep breath and typed out a firm but polite response: "I wish you well, but I'm not interested in reconnecting."

Today, at 31, Jackie's life is unrecognizable from two years ago. Her apartment, once a retreat from Alex's chaos, is now a hub for game nights with genuine friends who celebrate her successes. She's leading her own team at work, mentoring junior developers with the patience and understanding she wished she'd shown herself years ago.

As she sips her morning coffee on her balcony, watching Houston come to life below, Jackie reflects on her journey. "Breaking free from Alex was like learning to breathe again," she muses. "It was painful and scary, but now? Now I'm not just surviving, I'm thriving. And that's a pretty amazing feeling."

Dealing with narcissists isn't easy, especially when they try to reconnect. But remember, YOU have the power to choose your path. By understanding narcissism, recognizing the signs of manipulation, and arming yourself with the right strategies, you can maintain your freedom and continue to grow.

Your well-being matters. Your feelings are valid. And you deserve relationships that lift you up, not drag you down. So the next time a narcissist from your past comes knocking, remember Jackie's story. Stand firm in your boundaries, surround yourself with genuine support, and keep moving forward.

You've already taken the hardest step by recognizing the problem and seeking information. That shows incredible strength and self-awareness. Keep nurturing that inner strength, and trust in your ability to create a life filled with healthy, fulfilling relationships.

Remember, every day you stay free from toxic influences is a victory. Celebrate those victories, no matter how small they might seem. You're not just surviving; you're thriving. And that, my friend, is something to be incredibly proud of.

Here's to your continued growth, happiness, and freedom from narcissistic relationships!

an image of a red-orange glowing LOVE heart

Hey Guys! If you are looking for a great audiobook on this subject matter, I suggest It's Not You: Identifying and Healing from Narcissistic People by Dr. Ramani Durvasala. This audiobook (along with some serious meditation and prayer) helped me get through some dark, lonely times after falling in love (or lust) with my narcissist. I listened to this book in the car, at work, at the gym--everywhere and every chance I got. I absolutely could not put this audiobook down. I can only suggest this book; you must try it for yourself.

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. This helps support the blog and allows me to continue creating content. Thank you for your support.

Relationship Deepeners: Questions to Strengthen Your Bond with Someone You LIKE

Building a strong and meaningful connection with someone you like is an exciting journey. Whether you're just starting to get to know each other or you've been friends for a while, asking the right questions can deepen your relationship. These questions, which we call "Relationship Deepeners," help you understand each other better and create a bond that lasts.

What are Relationship Deepeners?

Relationship Deepeners are thoughtful questions that go beyond small talk. They encourage meaningful conversations, allowing you to discover more about each other's thoughts, feelings, and experiences. These questions are designed to help you connect on a deeper level, making your relationship stronger and more fulfilling.

Why Are Relationship Deepeners Important?

When you like someone, you naturally want to know more about them. Simple questions can only take you so far. Relationship Deepeners open up new avenues of conversation, helping you understand each other's values, dreams, and perspectives. They build trust and intimacy, essential components of any strong relationship.

The "Someone You LIKE" Factor

When we talk about "someone you like," we mean a person who piques your interest and makes you want to spend more time with them. This could be a friend, a crush, or even someone you’re getting to know better. Using Relationship Deepeners with someone you like is especially important because it can transform a casual acquaintance into a meaningful connection.

Here are 25 questions to strengthen your bond with someone you like:

1. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

2. What’s your favorite childhood memory?

3. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

4. What’s a book or movie that changed your perspective on something?

5. What are you most passionate about?

6. How do you like to spend your weekends?

7. What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to learn or try?

8. Who has been the most influential person in your life?

9. What’s your favorite way to relax after a long day?

10. What’s a goal you’re currently working towards?

11. How do you handle stress or difficult situations?

12. What’s a talent or skill you’re proud of?

13. What’s something that always makes you laugh?

14. If you could have dinner with anyone, living or dead, who would it be and why?

15. What’s a favorite memory you have with your family?

16. What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?

17. How do you define success?

18. What’s a quality you admire in others?

19. What’s your favorite holiday tradition?

20. What’s a fear you’ve overcome?

21. What’s something you’re grateful for today?

22. How do you stay motivated when things get tough?

23. What’s a song that always puts you in a good mood?

24. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?

25. What’s something you’d like to accomplish in the next year?

Using Relationship Deepeners can make a significant difference in how well you connect with someone you like. These questions help you explore each other's personalities, dreams, and values, fostering a deeper and more meaningful bond. Next time you’re with someone you like, try asking a few of these questions and see how your relationship grows.

Mix and Match Magic:
The Ultimate Capsule Wardrobe Checklist

A capsule wardrobe is a small collection of essential clothing items that can be mixed and matched to create many outfits. It helps simplify your closet, save money, and always have something to wear. Here's a checklist for both men and women to build their own capsule wardrobe:

For Women:

1. Basic T-shirts (3-5)
- Solid colors like white, black, and gray
- Can be dressed up or down

2. Button-up shirt (1-2)
- White or light blue
- Great for work or casual outings

3. Jeans (2-3 pairs)
- Dark wash for versatility
- Different styles like skinny and straight leg

4. Black pants (1-2 pairs)
- Dress pants or tailored trousers
- Can be worn for work or formal events

5. Skirt (1-2)
- Knee-length in a neutral color
- Works for office or casual wear

6. Little black dress (1)
- Simple, classic style
- Perfect for various occasions

7. Blazer (1)
- Black or navy
- Dresses up any outfit

8. Cardigan (1-2)
- Neutral colors like gray or beige
- Easy layer for warmth

9. Comfortable flats (1 pair)
- Black or nude
- Versatile for many outfits

10. Ankle boots (1 pair)
- Black or brown
- Good for cooler weather

For Men:

1. Basic T-shirts (3-5)
- Solid colors like white, black, and gray
- Can be worn alone or under other layers

2. Button-up shirts (2-3)
- White and light blue
- For work or casual wear

3. Jeans (2-3 pairs)
- Dark wash and medium wash
- Different fits like straight and slim

4. Chinos (1-2 pairs)
- Khaki or navy
- Dressy enough for work, casual enough for weekends

5. Dress pants (1 pair)
- Black or charcoal gray
- For formal occasions or office wear

6. Blazer (1)
- Navy or gray
- Dress up any outfit

7. Sweater (1-2)
- Crew neck or V-neck in neutral colors
- Layer over shirts for warmth

8. Casual jacket (1)
- Denim or bomber style
- For cooler weather

9. Dress shoes (1 pair)
- Black or brown leather
- For formal occasions

10. Sneakers (1 pair)
- White or black
- Comfortable for everyday wear

Building a capsule wardrobe doesn't happen overnight, but it's a rewarding journey. Start with these essentials and adjust as you go. Remember, the goal is to simplify your life and boost your confidence, not to limit your style. With these versatile pieces, you'll always have something to wear and feel great in. Your perfect capsule wardrobe awaits – embrace the simplicity and discover how liberating a curated closet can be.

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3 Body Language Secrets for Personal Growth

This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. This helps support the blog and allows me to continue creating content. Thank you for your support.

Your body speaks volumes before you utter a single word. With a slight shift in posture and a knowing glance, you can transform from wallflower to center stage. Welcome to the hidden language that shapes our world – body language.

Body language is a silent conversation we're always having, whether we realize it or not. It can reveal our true feelings, boost our confidence, and even help us achieve personal growth. In this post, we'll explore three powerful body language secrets that can transform your life and relationships. These tips are backed by research and easy to implement in your daily routine.

I. The Power Pose

  • Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart
  • Put your hands on your hips
  • Lift your chin slightly
  • Hold for two minutes

Try this before important meetings or challenging situations. You'll feel more confident and ready to tackle any obstacle.

Check out this posture corrector to help you maintain a powerful stance throughout the day

II. Mirror and Match

Mirroring is a technique where you subtly copy the body language of the person you're talking to. It's a powerful way to build rapport and trust. A study in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology found that mimicking others' body language can make you more likable and persuasive.

How to practice mirroring:

  • Observe the other person's posture and gestures
  • Gradually adopt similar positions or movements
  • Be subtle – it should feel natural, not forced
  • Use this technique in conversations to create stronger connections and improve your relationships.

Improve your observation skills with this body language guide book.

III. The Eyes Have It

Eye contact is crucial for effective communication and building trust. A study in the Journal of Nonverbal Behavior found that maintaining appropriate eye contact can make you appear more confident, honest, and competent.

Tips for better eye contact:

  • Aim for 50-60% eye contact during conversations
  • Look at one eye, then the other, or at the bridge of the nose
  • Break eye contact naturally by looking to the side, not down

Practice these techniques to enhance your charisma and make lasting impressions.

Boost your confidence with these stylish glasses that draw attention to your eyes.

Mastering these body language secrets can lead to significant personal growth. By adopting power poses, mirroring others, and maintaining proper eye contact, you'll exude confidence, build stronger relationships, and open doors to new opportunities. Remember, small changes in how you carry yourself can make a big difference in how others perceive you – and how you perceive yourself. Start practicing these techniques today, and watch as your personal and professional life transform.